If You Want To Play With Big Boy Toys........

Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysian Minister for E...
Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysian Minister for Education. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Acting Transportation Minister of Malaysia, Hishamuddin Hussein, today announced that the "raw" Inmarsat data is to be released perhaps within the next twenty-four hours or so in an effort to maintain transparency and to establish truth as to how searchers for the MH 370 arrived at their conclusions that the doomed flight ended in the south Indian Ocean. I was under the impression that this information would be released last week but then perhaps I was confused yet again by the inept and downright dishonest way that Malaysia has handled this entire matter and the total disregard with which the families of the passengers have been treated.

This latest debacle has become just par for the course in terms of the mismanagement of this investigation. It is clear that the Malaysians are idiots and that any attempt on their part to interpret the Inmarsat data for the public is as doomed as their investigation into the disappearance of the Boeing Triple Seven.

The plane is gone without a trace. Not a seat cushion, a plastic cup or a laminated baggage tag, attributable to the missing flight has been retrieved from the multiple search sites in the south Indian Ocean despite assurances from Malaysia and the Australians (who are looking like as big a bunch of losers as the Malaysians right about now) that the "data" was being constantly refined and that there were countless trained pairs of eyes aboard ships, choppers, P3s, New Zealand Air Force planes...the list of resources goes on and on. All of the ELTs apparently failed on this aircraft and there was no infrared satellite event that would have indicated a crash. The supposed experts laughed when the Chinese reported pings from the black boxes but did not doubt the results from their own pinger locater despite the fact that they were not the correct frequency for black box transmissions but were the correct frequency for fishing net locators used by south Indian Ocean fishermen. One might ask why no one in Malaysia or Australia knew about these pingers on these fishing nets...presumably no one in either country knows fuck all about fishing or perhaps they're all too busy being all too important to concern themselves with such mundane matters. In any case the plane is still gone without a trace; the investigation is hopelessly botched, the families are pissed and the Bluefin 21 (the wrong equipment for a search of the deepest parts of the south Indian Ocean) is not available after the end of this week. The Aussies believe the search will be delayed until perhaps August!

What do we know for certain in all this mess? We know that grief in any language looks and sounds the same. We also know that government officials, no matter what country they represent are all a bunch of entitled, condescending, emotionally retarded nut jobs that should not be trusted with the very simplest of tasks (folding laundry in a locked psychiatric ward comes readily to mind). We know that investigations of this scale are perhaps best conducted by impartial, private sector companies less concerned with how things look and more concerned with how things really are. What is not so clear, to my mind at least is why a company like Boeing with its reputation is selling Triple Sevens to Banana Republics incapable of tracking, servicing, flying or maintaining them let alone conducting an investigation when (notice I did not say if) something goes terribly wrong and dozens if not hundreds of souls are lost. Selling a Triple Seven to Malaysia seems to me as irresponsible as giving a BMW to a two year-old and instructing him to "have fun". To date, I do not know of a plane with training wheels  but if Boeing makes one, I would recommend they sell it to Malaysia!

More about the big boy toys in my next post.......
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NBA Charges Donald Sterling

LA Clippers vs. Phoenix Suns, NBA game at Stap...
LA Clippers vs. Phoenix Suns, NBA game at Staples Center (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Los Angeles Clippers secondary logo
Los Angeles Clippers secondary logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The National Basketball Association today hand delivered charges against Donald Sterling, the beleaguered owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. Last week, Sterling refused to pay the 2.5 million dollar fine issued by Commissioner Adam Silver and threatened court action if the NBA did not stop action designed to force him to sell the team. In short, Donald Sterling gave the NBA the proverbial finger and they did not like it!

Are we in danger of losing sight of the realities here? Amidst endless black people of questionable expertise, especially in the arena of race relations, constantly being interviewed on CNN and MSNBC ad nauseam, and endless replays of an interview of Donald Sterling by CNN's Anderson Cooper, not to mention heated debate among basketball fans and non fans alike...I feel we are losing sight of just what happened here!

Yes, Donald Sterling owns the LA Clippers which he acquired for some 12.5 million dollars. The team went through some rough times and only lately has become a team of championship caliber. Some place the current value of the Clippers north of a billion dollars today. All in all, a sound business investment, a source of great pride to the Sterling family and a handsome legacy to the Sterling children, the city of Los Angeles and basketball fans everywhere. So what's the rub?

Well, Donald and Shelly Sterling have been estranged for the past few years, Shelly appears confused...at one moment she is shocked and abhorred by her husband's racial attitudes and in the next moment staunchly defends him after an amicable dinner out at one of LA's popular restaurants. Donald admits to being a philanderer with an eye for young, light-skinned girls of mixed race but has consistently expressed some tender feelings for his estranged wife. Complicated??? You bet! But most relationships are complicated at the very least!

Let us remember though that at the time Donald Sterling allegedly make the comments that the NBA so disapproved of, he was at home, in his own private space with the utmost expectation (according to my reading of the law) of privacy. V. Stiviano, a young woman who was using Sterling to feather her own nest, taped him illegally and then released the tapes albeit via a third party, to TMZ. She has no moral high ground to stand on, in California or anywhere else on the planet. A scheming, conniving whore by any other name stinks like dead fish no matter who or where she is!

So what is the chrome-domed head of the NBA charging Donald Sterling with? For starters, Sterling is alleged to have undermined the NBA's position on diversity and inclusion. Does that mean that we can expect to see a whole lot more white, bisexual, Laplanders who can't jump recruited into the NBA soon? Additionally, Sterling is said to have ignited animus on the part of players and damaged relationships with fans and sponsors. Those must be the players who got undergraduate degrees in basketballology and who cannot pronounce the word ASK!

 As for racial issues and tensions in America, well I can say that I am surprised at the commentary this has ignited in the sphere of social media. Almost everyone, black, white, hispanic and small, green extra-terrestrials is that Sterling should pay the fine and search his couch for misplaced change should he have any liquidity problems. Roughly, three in four people do not believe he should lose his team as he was expressing private thoughts within the privacy of his own home.

Litigator Maxwell M. Blecher who is representing Sterling, last week stated that his client has been denied due process and had done nothing wrong. Today, he states he was reviewing the voluminous charges and above that he has, "No comment."

Apart from the allegations listed above, Sterling has violated some "good behavior" type covenants that he and other owners signed throughout the years.

What should Donald Sterling's next move be? Should he sell the Clippers and enjoy his immense wealth for whatever time he has left? Some folks think so. Most think he should fight the NBA on principle, in a real courtroom and in a real court. This is something he knows a great deal about. He is extremely wealthy and well connected in legal circles and appears to enjoy a good fight. As for the rumors that he has prostate cancer...take it from an old nurse...Donald Sterling has a better chance of being hit by a train, attacked by rabid wolves or being abducted by Martians then he has of dying of prostate cancer. This man lives to overcome adversity. His girlfriend is gone. Shelly is filing a strategic divorce. He loves basketball and takes pride in the Clippers. He has nothing to lose and may in fact, be instrumental in defining once and for all the meaning of privacy and where as members of society we may expect our right to privacy to be respected.

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Kiss-tory In The Making?

National Football League Draft
National Football League Draft (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As round after round of draft picks progressed, no doubt Michael Sam was seriously questioning his career plan to join an +NFL  team. Some football experts actually predicted he would be picked up within the first three rounds. But with opportunity quickly slipping away as round after round passed without that all important phone call, it is understandable that Michael Sam sat in his bedroom pondering his future. So when the call came from the Rams, he dived down the stairs, in a rush of youthful exuberance toward the phone. Upon hearing that he had been chosen by the Rams in one of the final rounds, no doubt he was overjoyed. In an emotional moment, the former University of Missouri defensive end embraced his boyfriend in a kiss that has caused quite a stir among football enthusiasts and gay activists around the nation.

Sam is the first openly gay player drafted by the NFL. Let's be under no illusions here. There are and likely always have been gay players in the NFL. Some were still not out of the closet as it were and some preferred to keep their private lives separate and distinct from their public lives.

But are we really living in a 'post gay' world? I think not! At least not judging by public reaction to what is being called "The Kiss". The hug would probably have been just fine but I personally was offended as were many people seeing one man with another man's tongue halfway down his throat!

This is what bothers me about the whole LGBT community...they all seem to want to put their sexuality 'out there' for all to see!

Toronto, where I worked as a psychiatric nurse for years, is famous for its Gay Pride Parade. People come from all over Ontario, the other provinces and indeed from the US to participate in or watch this annual event. I went with some of nurse friends thinking that this movement which was gaining momentum was promoting a cause for people to dare to be more authentically themselves. Was I wrong! Men...old, fat, hairy men, naked and masturbating, ejaculating in the streets, not to mention public intoxication, lesbians (fat, old and hairy too!) grinding on floats and shoppers who had no interest in the parade accosted in the street. Police appeared unable to contain the cheering or jeering crowds, hustling little children into squad cars or nearby stores to keep them safe, often to the dismay of their parents! It was a spectacle which had nothing to do with rights and a total waste of a beautiful Saturday morning! My revulsion had nothing to do with the fact that the parade participants were gay, bi or transgendered and a whole lot to do with people behaving badly, in public and in front of small children who were likely confused and/or traumatized by what they heard and saw.

Do I know people who are gay, lesbian? Of course I do and I worked with many. Some were responsible, dedicated and sincere professionals. Many were not, preferring an aura of drama and unpredictability surrounding them wherever they went. Some seemed to have a 'mad on' for the whole world and were constantly mired in financial, professional or personal crises.

Do I have family who are openly gay? Yes, I do. It never bothered me that my favorite brother-in-law was gay and living in a committed relationship that rivaled many straight marriages. What bothered me was the fact that he was engaging in very graphic phone sex with his partner in front of my six year old son who later asked me why his uncle would want to "lick or suck anyone's dick?" Indeed...........

For those who believe that we ought not judge anyone for anything...well, it's a nice thought! For those of us who are more pragmatic and realize that we are all called upon to make hundreds of judgements every day and that wearing a pink dress as opposed to a blue dress IS a judgement call, as is eating spaghetti as opposed to a garden salad, I can only say, "That's life!"

I wish Michael Sam a long and healthy career in the NFL, two thing that do not often go together in the course of a football career. I also wish him every success in his personal relationships, especially with his family of origin. I also hope that he will learn to exercise greater restraint and discretion as he grows and matures both personally and professionally.
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"I'm Only Racist When I'm Horny!"

Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Clippers (Photo credit: Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com)
This seems to summarize the contents of a taped conversation leaked by an unnamed source in explanation of Donald Sterling supposed "racist rant" that got him in so much difficulty with the National Basketball Association. As far as "racist rants" go, I would dare to say Donald Sterling's remarks were relatively tame. He did not use the "N word" even once! He did not refer to African-Americans as "colored" or "negroes" at any time. I suspected all along that his request directed at his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, to refrain from being photographed with black men or to refrain from accompanying black men to the +Los Angeles Clippers  basketball games was born of deep insecurity and intense jealousy.

"Ridiculous!", you say. Well, not as I see it. Donald Sterling may have the old plantation mentality but last time I checked, a man is entitled to say what he likes in the privacy of his own home and in the company of family and friends. As for the tape released albeit indirectly by Ms. Stiviano, I find her actions suspect, deplorable and tantamount to extortion! And last time I checked, extortion and blackmail are criminal offenses, while outdated thinking is not.

I really should not have to teach American history to Americans but for those who have forgotten, the basis of all those antiquated laws that date back to the Old South were designed to protect delicate, chaste, southern ladies from being preyed upon by the big, black bucks with their long shlongs and rampant, uncontrolled sexuality that would defile those genteel ladies and unleash all sorts of real and imagined ills upon society. Of course, the same standards did not apply to the genteel gentlemen that owned the plantations. They were free to be roving penises among their female slaves and to father innumerable children with them, thus supplying a steady and predictable workforce for their plantations.

That an 82 year-old man could fall in love with some gold-digging bitch (and Donald Sterling is a very rich old man) is hardly unbelievable to me or to almost anyone else. That he would want to get into her pants is entirely believable too! How many men in love have tried to extract promises of exclusivity or undying love and affection from their mistresses? How many men in love have not perceived other men, black, white, younger, perhaps richer as a potential threat to their love interest?  We may shake our heads, or secretly think of Donald Sterling as a silly, old fool but seriously does he really deserve the 'punishment' meted out by Adam Silver, the grand pubah of the NBA, to lose his team or to be divested of the family trust he and his wife own?

A lawyer by education and litigious by nature, Donald Sterling is unlikely to go down without a fight. It is a sad comment on American society when a man or woman can lose his or her property or income due to a private conversation. It is deeply troubling to me that no one is terribly concerned as to what laws have been broken in the course of making these taped conversations public. I have listened to endless bullshit, especially from the politically correct broadcasters at +CNN  and their endless guests (generally black or mixed race) babbling on about a conversation we need to have about race in North America. They don't want a conversation! They want everyone to agree with their particular brand of socially acceptable behavior! Well, I don't agree!

And could someone please teach black people how to pronounce the word 'ask'. Mispronouncing  a simple, single syllable word continually strikes me as lazy and unintelligent in the extreme, not to mention deeply insulting to me as an immigrant.

What's next? The 'thought police'?


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Crimes Agaist Humanity In Nigeria...Punishable By...

BBOG3MAYNYC_DSC_0385 (Photo credit: Michael Fleshman)
Today we learn that Nigerian military forces knew about the intended abduction of 276 young girls from their boarding school in Chibok, Nigeria more than four hours before it occurred and failed to prevent it. Needless to say, the military also failed to intervene in the abductions of even younger girls in Warabe.

More troubling than this is the fact that numerous government officials had urged the Obama administration for some considerable time to declare Boko Haram a terrorist organization...a move that then Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton opposed. What the fuck was she thinking??? Clearly, falling on her head dislodged more than a few neurons! Finally, a multinational team of experts, tactical, intelligence and hostage negotiators have landed in Nigeria.

President Goodluck Jonathan vowed Thursday to the World Economic Forum in Abuja that the girls who have been captive for some three plus weeks would be returned safely to their homes. He thanked delegates from China, Great Britain, France, Canada and the US for sending help. The delegation however has made it very clear that they are in a supportive and advisory role and that rescue efforts would be left to the Nigerian Military.

However, the most sickening observation on this appalling situation came from Shehu Sani who has previously brokered face-to-face peace talks with Boko Haram when he said yesterday that he believed that the video in which the leader of this Islamist terrorist group threatened to sell the girls into slavery was proof that Abukabar Shekau actually planned to use these schoolgirls as some sort of bargaining chip in a prisoner exchange with the Nigerian government. Well gag me with a shovel! This guy is criminally insane!

Negotiating with terrorists! Giving in to their demands! What is this idiot thinking? Do we negotiate with a gangrenous limb? No! We amputate! Do we negotiate with a cancer? Hell no! We cut it out or burn it out or poison it with toxic drugs.

The priorities are clear. Find these girls. Rescue them. Return them to their families. And then blow these terrorists to kingdom come....

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Boko Haram...Adding Insult To Injury

Mother and child, Nigeria
Mother and child, Nigeria (Photo credit: Soumik Kar)
BBOG3MAYNYC_DSC_0317 (Photo credit: Michael Fleshman)
What in hell is going on in Nigeria? Three weeks ago, 276 girls were kidnapped from their boarding school in Chibok, in the northern provinces of Nigeria. And with all the focus of late on this atrocity, Boko Haram has effectively given President Goodluck Jonathan the finger by kidnapping 8 more, much younger girls in Warabe.

Distraught parents, claiming that citizens of their community are members of Boko Haram but are not known to them is rather disingenuous. Given the reputation of this group for violence and the predatory nature of Abubakar Shekau and his merry band of vicious, disgusting followers, were I a parent in any community in Nigeria, I would be sleeping with one eye open and a gun under my pillow with the intent to shoot first and ask no questions at all as to the righteousness of my actions. And I would certainly make it a point to know the business of every male under 65 years of age in the community.

Being the Daddy in a family whether in Canada, Mexico, Iceland or Nigeria consists of a whole lot more than the possession of dick and banging Mommy at every turn. Fathers have a unique position in the lives of their daughters (except under Sharia law). It is up to them to make their girls feel safe, protected and loved. Cowering in fear, in the forest like hysterical women is unlikely to inspire admiration in any daughter, anywhere on this planet. If Nigerian daughters have the courage to get an education, despite the obstacles...surely their fathers and mothers should have the courage to speak out, arm themselves, form militias and present a united front against tyranny be it military, government, police, or a disreputable band of laughing hyenas threatening to sell their daughters into what many would call a fate worse than death. I can almost guarantee that if the world saw what was really going on in Nigeria and the people of that country angry, outraged and willing and able to take matters into their own hands, many of Shekau's henchmen would be picking drones out of their collective assholes!
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Boko Haram Leader Laughs As He States, "I Sell Women!"

BBOG3MAYNYC_DSC_0326 (Photo credit: Michael Fleshman)
While the world heard three weeks ago about the kidnapping of some 270 plus high school girls from a boarding school in Chibok, Nigeria, by the terrorist group Boko Haram...government officials were quick to assure the media that many of the girls had escaped and that the remainder would be returned home in the not too distant future. No story here, right? Wrong! Unless the Nigerian method of time measurement is vastly different than mine, earlier press releases were patently untrue.

After countless demonstrations by parents from London to Los Angeles calling for the release of the 223 girls that remain captives, this story has gathered momentum forcing the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan to ask for help in locating the missing girls.

So, who and what is Boko Haram? There is little known about this sub-saharan group of radical Islamist fundamentalists except that they are violent, misbegotten cretins who appear to have some aversion to normal standards of hygiene and dentition. Their name, literally translated means, "No books!" Having heard a threatening rant by their leader, Abubakar Shekau earlier today, it is clear to me just why this group needs to kidnap teenaged girls. It's pretty clear to me that these guys are all out of ideas as far as how to get girls by more conventional means. True to their name, they would not be interested in educated, accomplished, well read women. Being just one step removed from Nate the Neanderthal...and I have not decided if it's a step up or down on the evolutionary scale at this point, I am not surprised their leader threatens to sell the girls to some human trafficking outlet or other in neighboring Chad or Cameroon for the handsome price of $12 USD. According to Islamists, women have only two functions - fucking and breeding.

Parents of the captive girls are afraid to speak out, even to the police about their missing daughters, specifically posting photos or names, for fear their daughters may be singled out for some unique cruelty as if merely looking  at a guy like Shekau does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment!
President Jonathan seeks more cooperation from parents while his first lady (and I use that term very loosely for this particular form of douche bag) is busily locking up outraged, grief-stricken mothers, urging them to shut up lest they "make Nigeria look bad", effectively compromising Nigeria's booming oil-based economy and the political career of her husband.

Yes, this is an outrage and a tragedy but it is Nigeria's tragedy to solve. What did Goodluck Jonathan think being the president of Nigeria meant? Notoriously corrupt, from his police and government officials to his military, it's time he spent some of that oil money on the safety of and resources for his people.

Ultimately, Nigeria will be a better place for its citizens when girls and their parents insist on and demand the education and jobs they truly deserve. Then they can look at unemployed bozos like Shekau and ask themselves, "Why pay such a dear price for a tiny piece of sausage when the whole pig is available, slaughtered too for pennies on the dollar?"   

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